Friday, 16 April 2010

My target audience and why

My target audience was 16-19 year olds ,as by these ages people are likely to be at houseparties and enjoy/appreciate listening to music regulary. I also decided that the audience would be both gendered- male and female. This was primeraly because the type of music i issued in my magazine appealed to both sexes, and at Houseparties you are more likely to have both male and females. I understood that perhaps, issues like "music celeb fashion" would be risky. seeing as in my questionnaire the boy's weren't fussed about clothes. (see picture below with the graphs and results).So i only issued a small page on my contents saying "celebs fashion", so to not dominate the idea of the magazine and give the boys the wrong impression. Afterall, it is about music!!

I thought about the Primary and Secondary audience, by brainstorming their interests, and activities. I decided that the target audience would enjoying listening to different genres, specifically the UK Top 40 Show - which plays all the latest songs in the charts. The audience were going to be interested in contempory and new music, because initially to have the best "HOUSEPARTY" you need new music.
I decided that the audience would enjoy socialising by going to gatherings, cinema, shopping and ofcourse parties. And although some boys deny liking shopping ( - they do like to look good( , so to have a wide circulation of the magazine it's important to think of the type of people who would be interested in reading my magazine.
I think there would be a wide circulation because the people i questioned for my questionnaire said they preferred reading about different music genres. This will then appeal to people who like to read about different genres, and people who enjoy reading about single genres, as they would pick the magazine up to read about articles of their musical interest.
Also if the target audience is Male and Female the circulation would be wider. It is primerily aimed at 16-19 year olds, however adults interested in throwing a HOUSEPARTY for their children may be inclined to find out what music they need to play. Younger children may also pick up the magazine from older siblings, as they are interested in knowing what the older teenagers are listening too.

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